
What is Vitamin E good for?

  • Promotes the growth of white blood cells
    Vitamin E supplements help to boost the production of white blood cells, an immunity cell that functions to fight against harmful bacteria and viruses in the body.
  • Protects the skin from damage
    When used as an oil or cream, it is able to strengthen and heal the skin. It also has properties that soothe and hydrate the face.
  • Supports a healthy scalp and maintains hair growth
    Being an antioxidant, vitamin E reduces the harmful effects of free radicals and oxidative stress that cause damage to hair follicles. As a result, hair growth and a healthy scalp is maintained.

How much Vitamin E should I take a day?

According to the recommended daily allowance (RDA), here are the ideal doses of vitamin E you should be getting daily:

  • 1-3 years old: 6mg
  • 4-8 years old: 7mg
  • 9-13 years old: 11mg
  • 14 years old and up: 15mg
  • Breastfeeding females: 19mg     

    From moisturising creams to health capsules, Blackmores Singapore has a wide range of vitamin E products that can help improve your immune system and skin condition.